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Schedules for nicotine-free

The Dr. Kimo nicotine-free “Home Pack” contains 20 ampoules of the Dr.Kimo nasal plug treatment, use only one ampoule for each treatment, as follows 

  • Phase 1: From Day 1 to 6, only one ampoule of treatment everyday. 

  • Phase 2: From treatment 7 to 11, only one ampoule every 2 days.

  • Phase 3: From treatment 12 to 15, only one ampoule every 3 days.

  • Phase 4: From treatment 16 to 18, only one ampoule every 5 days.

  • Phase 5: From treatment 19 to 20, only one ampoule every 7 days.

Please fill in the exact treatment date, as described in the attached schedules. To hang it up in a visible place, or in your mobile calendar

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